My name is Erik Rothoff Andersson, I am 28 years old and live in Sweden. I love programming.
Programming, programming, programming. Code, code, code.
Did you know that I like code? It doesn’t matter what type of code. Any code. I’m most fluent in browser application development. My first programming language was PHP (it’s a lovely language) which led to JavaScript and for a couple of years now I’ve been experimenting with desktop programming such as Python, C++ and Objective-C (for iOS, but also some Mac development).
This blog
What is this blog all about? In this blog I post about what I’m doing at the moment; so my users know what’s going on and why that bug is not being worked on. I have a couple of applications in the wild and I always like when the creator’s have some transparency into their work.
The design is made by my twin brother Johan Rothoff Andersson. He is my in-house designer, and awesome, be sure to check him out.
Don’t forget to check out my projects!